Certified Construction Planning Consultants

Consulting and Engineering Services for New Construction

Established Service

Comprehensive services by skilled construction professionals

Customer Satisfaction

Trusted by many customers...
in Sandy, Oregon.

Fast Responsiveness

Expert engineering for issues
large or small

The Role of Consulting and Engineering Services in Construction Planning

Consulting and Engineering Services are essential for successful construction planning. Consultants in this sector provide expertise in project management and design as well as safety assessment, budgeting, and scheduling. Consulting professionals can help clients identify risk areas and develop strategies to reduce that risk. Engineers provide specialized services such as structural analysis, surveying, and code compliance review. With their knowledge of the construction industry, they can offer valuable insight into the feasibility and costs associated with a project.

Construction Planning: An Essential Phase of Project Development

The five phases of the construction project lifecycle are:

  • Construction Planning: This stage involves research, budgeting, scheduling, and obtaining legal permits necessary for the project.
  • Design: Architects and engineers create a concept design based off of the scope of work provided by the client.
  • Construction: Building materials are brought to the job site and tradespeople assemble all components of the structure according to the design specifications.
  • Testing & Inspection: At this stage, inspections are conducted to make sure that standards are being met, tests are run to ensure safety and quality, and system reviews are performed to check functionality as well as compliance with regulations.
  • Operation & Maintenance: Once a building is completed, operation and maintenance protocols must be established in order to ensure continued performance throughout its service life.

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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